We all have them; bad hair days. You know, those days where we feel like nothing is going right?
Inner Feelings
It all starts because our bangs don't fall just right or a curl isn't holding. Amazing really. I don't know about you but, when just one small thing about my hair is off, my whole countenance feels out of whack. I ponder the fact that it could be this way also when we're just not quite "right" with God.
Everyday, as Christians, we're tasked with following Jesus in His ways. He has called us to carry out His work through all of our own special gifts. Most days, we meet our obligations and live our lives with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that we're serving in meaningful ways. But, what happens on a spiritual "bad hair" day; that day you fall short and you feel "off"? I think first, and quite possibly the most important thing is to remember that it's only one day. Just like when you've got a literal bad hair day going, you know that come tomorrow, you'll get all the hairs back in place and you'll feel better, So too is it when you're struggling in your spiritual life. When we pause to remember our Creator in prayer and thank Him for all the blessings we've received, it is likely that tomorrow will once again be filled with happiness and eagerness to embrace the challenges of the day.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
~Psalm 37:4 (ESV)
When we're having a "bad hair" day, it is so easy to let it affect everything we do and then lay the blame there. But, in fact, we know that we've let our feelings rule over reality. The root (so to speak) of our anger or frustration is where we need to focus. In Matthew 6:27 Jesus asks us, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (NIV) Certainly, letting our internal frustrations of a "bad hair" day affect our decision making and emotions, we'll also be harming our "inner disposition" of trust and focus on God.
"What matters is not your outer appearance - the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes -but your inner disposition."
1 Peter 3:3 (MSG)
Outward Appearances
I have resorted to cutting and styling my own hair; taking action against those "bad hair" days. In the same vein, by referring to uplifting scripture and prayer, we can take action against our spiritual "bad hair" days and actively pursue healing and renewal. Filling our minds with edifying verses will help overcome the feeling of anxiety that fills us and will give us courage, energy, and hope when we're struggling through a "bad hair" day.
The funny thing is that, if you were to ask someone if they noticed your bad hair, they'd most likely say no, not really. In fact, recently I was deeply disappointed with the outcome of highlights that were, in my opinion, glaringly awful! For 2 days, I fretted and even felt frustrated and angry about not just my hair, but about everything in general! Once I took action and toned it myself, the entire weight of all my negative emotions seemed to lift. When I finally had to ask if my husband noticed anything different about me, he hadn't a clue. "Bad hair", I think, is more of an internal feeling that we need to overcome. Can it be that our vanity and the enemy are more at play here? Oh yes! I allowed myself to be filled with anger and vexation over the fact that my hair colour wasn't becoming. I was stewing more over what people would think about it. The same will happen when we forget our connection with God. If we allow ourselves to become negatively emotional over a situation, we risk the enemy's influence leading us in the wrong direction.
"It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe."
~Proverbs 29:25 (GNT)
Strength From Within
If you recall the story of Samson, he was unstoppable due to the incredible strength endowed to him from birth by God. As part of his Nazarite covenant with God, he was to abstain from cutting his hair (among other things). But, Samson let his belief in his strength (his hair) become his weakness and basically forgot exactly from whom his great strength had come. When he shared his secret with Delilah, her Philistine companions shaved his head, took him captive, gouged his eyes out, and threw him in prison. Only after his hair began growing back did Samson realize and acknowledge that Yahweh was his true strength and through prayer, he eventually sacrificed himself, bolstered by the power of God, in the destruction of the Philistine temple. However, just as the story points out, our strength is really NOT in our hair (or even any other outward attribute) but in our obedience to God found in our hearts. When we place false trust in a thing, rather than God, we'll always be at our weakest.
"Then Samson prayed to the LORD, “Sovereign LORD, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.”
~Judges 16:28 (NIV)
I have come to the conclusion that having a "bad hair" day should be a signal to look inward. When I see my outward appearance and worry about who might say what, it should be a signal for me to stop and pray. Let's always remember that through the power of the Lord, our true strength is found in our prayer and not our hair.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
~ Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)
Paws To Pray
Father God,
We know that every so often, we're going to experience a "bad hair" day. On those days when we're feeling off, we pray that we remember to look inward for Your guidance and to scripture for enlightenment and encouragement. Let us always remember, God, that our strength comes from You and is found in our hearts not our hair. Remind us, Lord, that while You've gifted us with our earthy forms and the responsibility to care for them, our appearance should never be dominated by what others might think. Let us always be thankful for who we are because You created us to be uniquely us.
In Your Name, Lord Jesus, we pray
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